Thursday 21 February 2013

Lebone Litho Printers CEO's Rise to the Top

Keith Michael shares his company’s success with the greater community. Born and raised in the impoverished township of Westbury in the west of Johannesburg, Keith Michael always strived for a better life than what he experienced around him. He achieved a BCom in Marketing as well as an MBA, all while building an empire.Tired of living up to the so-called status quo, Michael decided to embark on a journey few dare to undertake – starting his own business.
He resigned from his job and immediately endeavoured in his new printing business venture, even though he had no prior knowledgeof the printing industry. His journey was not an easy one: He set up Lebone Litho Printers more than 10 years ago with one machine in the garage at his home and quickly learnt that printing was a cut-throat business.
Through hard work and determination,Michael has been able to turn a virtually unknown company into one of the top 10 printing companies in the country.
After landing his first big contract from First National Bank, the company gained momentumand, today, Lebone Litho Printers is now set in 5000 square metres; it manufactures full-colour litho, Web and digital and security printing with its own in-house design, reproduction and finishing departments.
The company has grown such that it is now a multimillion-rand company, with clients ranging from government to some of the major banks in the country as well as many private companies.
In the past five years, Michael has been able to increase the net asset value of Lebone Litho Printers by more than 300%.
After spending some time with Michael, one soon realises how he became so successful. His appetite for life, his drive and determination are infectious, and it is this attitude that he tries to instill in the people around him. He believes in galvanising people to look at their own potential and really make them shine.
Education is an institution that Michael truly values, and he has committed himself to assisting those who do not have access to finance to increase their skills. Since 2006, he has helpedmany young adults from Westbury achieve a dream that otherwise may have been unobtainable and to receive an education.
He adds, “The important thing for me is to really see what the other person cannot see –the potential that person has to do more.” He believes in inspiring young people to see that anything is in their reach as long as they believe in hard work and have the determination.
Michael believes in giving back to the community that helped mould him. He has created an upliftment programme that includes contributing to addressing issues such as HIV/Aids, sex education, feeding schemes as well as crime prevention.
A project that is close to his heart is the feeding scheme for the elderly in Westbury which he runs. Often regarded as the forgotten people,Michael helps provide food and nourishment for older members of the community to help keep their bodies and spirits healthy.
Lebone Litho Printers currently has 105 permanent employees and reflects a company profile of 80% historically disadvantaged individuals. Michael shares, “Some of my staff have been with me for years – guys whom I picked up from the street corners years ago to pack and cut. Today, they are in management positions.”
The company has enjoyed many great achievements thus far. In 2010, it was awarded a tender of R750 million by the Department of Basic Education to roll out the new curriculum for 19 000 primary schools all over the country– a first of its kind in the country.
Unfortunately, the allocation of the award received bad media attention, but Michael believes: “In times like these, it is important to stay steadfast in your beliefs and try your best not to let bad publicity and inaccurate reporting overshadow a great project.”
Michael’s story proves just how much a positive attitude, willpower and faith can lead to greatness and success. He has absolute faith in God and lives by the belief that “if you can think it, if you can dream it, you can achieve it.”

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